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We strolled in what I hoped would be silence. David had other ideas.


 ‘Look, Michael, I’ll tell you what’s wrong with the government today.’  


I tried to look disinterested before he even started.


‘It’s got its head so far up its own backside that it can’t think straight anymore.  Full of toffs, that’s what it is. No common people and no common sense.’


I grunted, hoping that he would take the hint through his thick Welsh skull.


‘I mean, even back in Merthyr the Tories are ruling the roost and the miners don’t have a say in anything that matters to them.’


The last thing I wanted was a political lecture from David as we followed the gravel path going nowhere in particular.


‘Now, if I had my way…’


 ‘Tell me about last night David.’   Anything to avoid hearing how David and the Commies would make the sun shine every day;  for everyone, except the toffs. ‘What happened to you and your mates?’


‘Ah.’ David stood still. He needed all of his brain cells to focus on this new topic.

‘Well, now there’s a thing.’ He gathered his thoughts and caught up with me.  ‘We were chatting, just like you ‘n me, see?  Then the locals started getting a bit arsey with some soldiers’



‘How many of ‘em?’



‘What, locals, or soldiers?’






‘Two.’  David stopped again and thought through the fog from last night. ‘No, tell a lie, there were three of ‘em, but one of 'em kept out of it until it started to get a bit rough.’



‘Our lads or Infantry?’



‘Don’t know, to be honest.  Never seen ‘em before, but big lads.  Ready to take on the world they was.’


Just like you, I mumbled, but it was lost on David.



‘They wouldn’t budge when the landlord asked ‘em to leave.  Until push came to shove, and there’s two of ‘em, ready to knock seven bells out of the locals and the other one looking all superior like.’



‘Tall chap? Bit on the skinny side?’



‘Yes, think so. Just stood in the doorway he did, spouting on about their Democratic rights while the other two scarpered.’


That sounds like Pete.  Always the peacekeeper.  Wish I was taking a stroll with him today instead of David


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